Setting up PTT control via serial port

PTT control via RS-232 serial port RTS/DTR control lines

Some radio transceiver models and CAT interfaces require special configuration for controlling PTT switch to enable RF transmission. In many cases, the RS-232 serial port RTS/DTR control lines control both the PTT switch and CW keying. The RTS control line usually controls PTT and the DTR control line controls CW keying, but it is necessary to check this from the radio or interface documentation.

In order to use an RS-232 serial port control line for controlling PTT, add the following line to the configuration file below the line defining rigDevice for the serial port.

Controlling PTT via RTS control line: (preserve the number of spaces)

      pttType: "RTS"

Controlling PTT via DTR control line: (preserve the number of spaces)

      pttType: "DTR"

The final configuration for a radio with PTT control via RTS control line should follow the example presented below:

... (continued)
- id: "radio1-id"
  type: "rigctld"
      enabled: true
      serialSpeed: SERIAL_SPEED
      rigDevice: "SERIAL_PORT_DEVICE"
      pttType: "RTS"
... (continued)

PTT control using RTS/DTR control lines via a separate RS-232 serial port

Some radio transceiver models and CAT interfaces use a separate serial port for controlling the PTT switch. In this case the radio control commands are supplied via separate serial port, so that two serial ports/adapters are required.

The configuration for using a separate serial port for PTT control requires an additional reference to the additional serial port used for PTT control. This is done via pttDevice settings, which defines id: reference pointing to the serial port.

The List devices page in the setup user interface lists the serial port id: references when the the USB — RS-232 serial port adapters are connected.

Controlling PTT via RTS control line: (preserve the number of spaces)

      pttType: "RTS"
      pttDevice: "PTT_SERIAL_PORT_DEVICE"

Controlling PTT via DTR control line: (preserve the number of spaces)

      pttType: "DTR"
      pttDevice: "PTT_SERIAL_PORT_DEVICE"

The final configuration should follow the example presented below:

... (continued)
- id: "radio1-id"
  type: "rigctld"
      enabled: true
      serialSpeed: SERIAL_SPEED
      rigDevice: "SERIAL_PORT_DEVICE"
      pttType: "RTS"
      pttDevice: "PTT_SERIAL_PORT_DEVICE"
... (continued)